Residence Makelaars

Service request

Report a maintenance question or malfunction

Are you renting a home from Residence Makelaars and is something not working properly? Then we would like to hear from you.

Register service request

To register a service request, we invite you to register the request via S1MONE. There is a QR code within the rented property that you can scan. After scanning the code, you must follow the steps indicated. If you do not have a smartphone or tablet, you can report your report by telephone via our general number. This also applies to emergencies.

How does the service request work?

Submitting a report via S1MONE is very simple. A QR code has been placed in the rented property (often in the meter cupboard). To post a notification, point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the QR code and follow the steps after which WhatsApp opens. Here you describe the message as completely as possible. We will keep you informed of the progress and status of the notification via WhatsApp. For example, the designated maintenance party can contact you directly and make an appointment.

Master Key

If reporting via the above steps does not work, you can report your service via the QR code below.

QR code serviceverzoek


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